Are we taking care of ourselves?

"Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera."

Do you laugh? Do you encourage others to laugh? I struggle with this myself, I have made some pretty crazy choices in my life which caused me to become guarded and to feel guilty for having fun. With that being said about 6 years ago I decided to leave a toxic and negative work environment to stay home; which I then became bored of cleaning my ceiling fan for the 3rd time in one week so I started watching my grand daughter, caring for my mother in. law; and well it was not enough so I started doing nails from home part time . All the while still caring for our home, my husband and 5 kids.

Why do we seek chaos? Why are we never happy just being; why do we add more and more to our plate. Do not take my word as anything because look at me now adding more to my plate than I ever have. But you know what; I am the happiest I have ever been. I am going to talk about what works for me and I hope you can find something from this to help you; if you need it.

The best thing I ever did was meet my husband; he changed a lot for me. NOT overnight, but I have grown just being with. him. SHHHHH he doesn’t like to read so only you and I know what I just admitted, so don’t tell Mr. Bryan. He’s also the reason we have UH; if he didn’t encourage me to leave that toxic job and allow; (yes I say allow because he became our sole financial source of income), me to take risks and put up with my crazy ideas; UH would not exist. So first thing I did was found a career I would never burn out on. Do I get tired, do I have moments of wanting to quit, do I get mad, do I fight with Mr. Bryan on how much the salon consumes us? YES!!!!!!! But, everyday I wake up fresh and realize how blessed we are & find a way to start fresh.

Second, I have cut toxic people from my life & am learning how to live without reacting. Do I fail, yes, probably daily. The one thing I hold on to is honesty and positivity. Whenever I feel a person or group could lead me down those negative thoughts I separate myself and focus on family and UH. I will never fit in society’s mold and I will never try. I will alway walk my own path to my own tune (just ask my husband, haha). It sounds like I am an a**, I know, but really it just goes back to being guarded from loss & struggle. Its time to let go and move on.

Third, I learned spirituality over organized religion. I believe in a higher being, but I will never let an elder or a member of a church tell me my mistakes make me a bad person just because they feel the right to judge me; but don’t walk in my shoes. I have been in both situations, the judge and the person being judged. Today I focus on me, what am I doing to be a better person, what kind of role model am I being, am I being an honest person or pretending. Am I living life to have an image or am I living to be happy?

Last, my physical health. I personally have never felt comfort in a doctor office or even taking medicines; if anything I have always felt worse. I have slowly been studying herbal medicine and natural ways of healing and eating. This is new to my world and its a bit difficult with my business and family life; however like everything I do I will figure it out and what’s best for me and my family.

So you are probably asking why is she blabbering about all this; I don’t know I just feel the need to share and honestly just want to help anyone who wants it. Oh, why the picture of magnesioum spray, well if you do not know what it is; message me. It has physically changed so much in my life and if you want to feel as good as I do when I use it. Reach out.

Peace, Love, Hippie on


Waxing…are you scared?


Cuticle Oil, why?!